Pupil Progress and Exam Results

Progress 8 is based on a students' fine line average of Key Stage 2 (KS2) English and Mathematics, National Attainment 8 points are published each year - they are the expected points, at KS4, from this KS2 base.

Progress 8 floor standards do not apply to special schools, pupil referral units, alternative provision or hospital schools. The floor standard: a school will be below the floor standard if Progress 8 score is below -0.5

Progress 8 is used nationally for performance measures for main stream secondary schools. Mainstream secondary schools have KS4 curriculum to support P8 - an English Baccalaureate (EBBAC) curriculum, traditionally comprising of :

English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science Core and Additional, Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Computer Science, Geography, History and a GCSE Modern Foreign language

There are 4 'buckets' of subjects for Progress 8:

  1. English (double weighted points),
  2. Mathematics (double weighted points),
  3. EBBAC (comprising points from best 3 EBBAC subjects taken),
  4. Open (comprising of points from best 3 non EBBAC subjects)

'Progress 8 measures' are difficult to use with special/BESD/PRU's as it relies on having an EBBAC curriculum (as outlined). These schools offer an appropriate curriculum to meet the various needs of its 'cliental'  so comparing performance to national Progress 8 would be unfair given the reduced curriculum offer .

Progress 5 can be modelled for special schools, pupil referral units, and alternative provision or hospital schools.

Progress 5 (P5) works on a similar principle to Progress 8 but with fewer 'buckets'

  1. 'English Bucket' which is double weighted points,
  2. 'Mathematics Bucket' again which is double weighted points,
  3. 'Open Bucket' where 3 additional GCSE and or Vocational equivalents points can go.

P5 consists effectively from a total of 7 subjects (Eng X2, Ma X2, + 3 other subjects) this score is then compared to national Attainment 8 points but factored by 70% (as Progress 8 effectively comes from 10 subjects - Eng x2, Maths x 2, 3 EBBAC points and 3 Open points)

Performance Tables

To view performance tables on the Department for Education for Sutton House Academy, please click on the link below:

Primary Performance Table - Sutton House Academy - GOV.UK - Find and compare schools in England (compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk)

UPDATED DEC 15, 2022: - The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Secondary Performance Table - Sutton House Academy - GOV.UK - Find and compare schools in England (compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk)


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