Parental Involvement

For ease of reading, the term “parents” to mean anyone who acts in the role of parent. This can include carers, other family members and, for pupils who are “looked after”, the Local Authority.

Teamwork with Parents and Families

Parents are vital to the success of our pupils:

  • Their knowledge helps us to get a complete view of a pupil's SEND.
  • They tell us what strategies work well at home (often good ideas from home can help the pupil in school).
  • Parents use ideas from school to help their child at home.
  • To ensure we remain up to date with useful information to help us meet the pupil’s SEND (e.g. clinic reports).

We work closely with parents by:

  • Parents’ attending their child’s EHCP annual reviews.
  • Pupils’ ISPs are sent home to parents three times per year where their views/feedback are encouraged. They can also discuss the plan with their child’s tutor.
  • Weekly phone calls to parents from the pupil’s tutor.
  • Arrange a partnership meeting between parents and the tutor to explore any presenting needs we would like to explore further and work together to find a solution. A member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) or external professionals may also attend the meeting if required.
  • Inviting parents to complete a survey each term to gather views and feedback.
  • Inviting parents to community days and pupil progress days.

Excellent teamwork between parents and the school is very important to us.

Parent Workshop

As well as working closely with parents to support individual pupils, we offer Parent Workshops, Steering Groups and Coffee Mornings to provide opportunities for parents to meet and discuss topics of interest. This can include:

  • Mental Health
  • Parental Self Care
  • Managing Difficult Behaviour
  • Uniform
  • Sensory Needs
  • Zones of Regulation / Incredible 5 Point Scale
  • EHCP Process

Our parents have also set up a Group WhatsApp group to provide mutual support and sense of community outside of our workshops.